Monday 24 March 2008

project progress : March hiatus

The last month has seen me be very busy at work.

Pressure to launch new content on the V&A website (some pressure self-imposed... some due to the opening of the Thomas Hope exhibition) has lead to several late nights and a reluctance to look at a computer outside of work hours.

The upside of this has been weekends spent dress-making and knitting (I shall upload the results of both to BurdaStyle and Ravelry soon)!

The downside has been very little progress on this project. I have read a few papers and a book... but I haven't spent time writing up my notes on this... nor have I spent time thinking more about how this reading relates to my research area.

I must prepare a project proposal for early May. My intention for the project is to write (and present/publish) a paper on/around the subject of knitting blogs & online communities.

Much of my reading up to know has been veering more towards the subject of craft and technology.

But... to successfully write my proposal I feel that now I must now spend some time acquainting myself more with the field of New Media...

...and to use this blog to explore my thoughts of how my studies relate to my experiences of craft and technology.

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